Sunday, May 5, 2019

Let people enjoy what they enjoy!

I don't like tattoos, rap music, or red velvet cake.

But I've never stopped someone from getting a tattoo, I've even gone with a friend while she got one, and I can appreciate the artistry of it. I would never make someone turn off the radio or change the playlist just because a rap song came on. And if someone brings red velvet cake to an event, what the hell, it's cake. If I really can't stomach it, I just won't have any, but I'm not going to stop other people from enjoying it.

So why are people so hell bent on mocking other people for what they enjoy? Or worse, stopping them from enjoying it at all?

Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones' "The Long Night" came out last weekend. The astounding number of people on social media making fun of people who enjoyed either of them is appalling. My facebook feed is inundated with "I've never watched an episode of Game of Thrones" and MCU fanboys bitching about what small aspect of Endgame didn't satisfy their personal expectations so the whole movie is garbage and anyone who watches it is stupid. (I'm not even going to address the entitlement of those pathetic people STILL whingeing about The Last Jedi.)

When did we all become a bunch of whiny, self-absorbed, entitled twats?

To quote George R.R. Martin, "Art is NOT a democracy". If you don't like the way someone created a story, or finished a story you enjoyed, you have two adult choices. Don't financially support that art, and/or create your own story. Otherwise shut the fuck up and let people enjoy what they enjoy.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't perfect, but it's a miracle we even have it to enjoy. It almost never happened. Game of Thrones (the HBO show) has problems and there have been questionable choices on the part of the show's creators, but we have a fantasy show with DRAGONS that is the most watched (and most pirated) TV show on earth right now. People who loved comic books or Fantasy have never had it so good. The art we got called nerds for liking in school has gone mainstream.

Those of us who like these works should be ecstatic! And people who don't like these amazing stories should simply not watch them/read them. How hard is it to not be a jerk to people who enjoy things you don't?

There are stories, music, games, etc. to suit everyone's tastes. So why not enjoy the things you enjoy and let other people enjoy the things they enjoy? How immature and shallow a human being do you have to be to take pleasure from mocking what someone else enjoys, or mocking people who enjoy things you don't?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat some fried chicken, listen to movie soundtracks, and get ready for tonight's Game of Thrones. And I'm going to leave those who don't like fried chicken, movie soundtracks, or Game of Thrones, the hell alone and let them enjoy what they enjoy.